Sabith Mohammed

Sabith Mohammed

The World is Six Things

Imam Ali (RA) said: The world is six things. It is: Then he said to look at each one of them; This is a great reflection on the nature of life and the world we live in. Everything in nature…

I trained 4 years to run only 9 seconds..

Usain Bolt still is the fastest man alive. He stills hold the world records for both the men’s 100-meter and 200-meter sprints, which he clocked at the 2009 World Championships in Berlin. An interesting highlight of his sprint is that…

The Power of Note Taking

Throughout history, note taking has been a powerful tool for some of the most influential people in history. Thomas Edison, for example, was responsible for 1,093 patents and inventions and what we find is that he amassed more than five…

Mastering one thing at a time

We all have been in state of disorderliness in our life. Things look messy, disorganized and without direction. An overwhelming majority of people are in this state in the entirety of their life in almost all areas. Then there are…

Read! In the name of your Lord….

Years ago, after a decisive battle, the victors were left in a dilemma as to what should be done with the prisoners. Some argued that they should be asked for ransom. Others argued to kill them. However, the leader amongst…

Preparation is The Game

Preparation is the Game

Italian legendary football defender, and arguably the greatest defender of all time, Paulo Maldini once said: “If I have to make a tackle, I have already made a mistake“. Maldini’s words raises a simple yet crucial point: Be prepared always. Read the…

Your Attention Shapes Your Reality

Your attention Shapes Your reality

We are living in an age of immense connectivity & digital entertainment – multiple streaming shows, countless social media platforms, 24/7 newsfeeds, all instantly available at your fingertips. The technological advancement that enabled social connectivity & ease of access to information came with a huge…