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Thinking is thanking the one who blessed us with thoughts.”
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The Five Degrees of Motivation

Cerebrate Weekly: The Five Degrees of Motivation Humanities is often described as the study of human experience. In the context of modern psychology the fundamental components of the human experience involves: Human Cognition, Motivation &…

How to Start Journaling: Tips and Prompts to Get You Going

Cerebrate Weekly: How to Start Journaling- Tips and Prompts to Get You Going Do you want to know a simple habit that yields a high return on investment? Start journaling. It involves reflecting on your life and writing down your thoughts. It’s an…

The unexamined life is not worth living

Cerebrate Weekly: The unexamined life is not worth living The Greek philosopher, Socrates after a long trail was given two options: Imprisonment for life or be executed. In response, he uttered the famous dictum “The unexamined life is not worth…

The World is Six Things

Cerebrate Weekly: The World is Six thing Imam Ali (RA) said: The world is six things. It is: Then he said to look at each one of them; This is a great reflection on the nature of life and the world we live in. Everything in nature ultimately dies and…

The Psychological Tensions Of Keeping a To Do List

Cerebrate Weekly: The Psychological Tensions Of Keeping a To Do List Have you ever felt the urge to finish a task that you started, even if it’s not important? Or have you experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed by a long list of pending…

I trained 4 years to run only 9 seconds..

Cerebrate Weekly: I trained 4 years to run only 9 seconds.. Usain Bolt still is the fastest man alive. He stills hold the world records for both the men’s 100-meter and 200-meter sprints, which he clocked at the 2009 World Championships in Berlin. An…

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