
In this page, we have stacked necessary information that is required to revive the lost art of reading. We begin by creating awareness about how reading has evolved in the modern world under the era of Internet. This page focuses on all the aspects associated with developing a habit of reading and creating a community of readers. We provide guidance using proven tips and strategies to help anyone develop the art of reading even with a busy life and become a master in any field of knowledge that they pursue.

Reading In The Modern World: A Problem To Tackle

As smartphones and Internet took over our personal and private spaces, reading (as in the traditional sense) has declined. Modern forms of reading has emerged with the commercialisation of World Wide Web roughly half a century ago. The modern reading differs significantly from what we perceive of reading in the traditional sense with its objectives and purpose aimed at providing rapid, short and easy information to the “reader”.

Despite providing infinite access to information to all, the ability to read deeply with contemplation and for research is slowly fading away. There is little focus on cognitive development and deep thinking that grows with reading. Rather, the modern reader reads for confirming their bias and ends up becoming worse off than before.

We have tackled this issue and aim to revive the art of reading to enhance holistic intellectual literacy so as to cultivate virtue & promote goodness.

Why Everyone Must Read

Doesn’t everyone read? Don’t people read about what interests them? Doesn’t that make everyone a reader? Nope. Not all reading are the same. Nor do they produce the same effect on ourselves. Reading a tweet is not the same as reading this page. Nor is reading this page same as reading for research purposes. The depth of our reading is what truly matters. And that is our area of focus.

Why should everyone develop a habit of deep reading? We know that motivation fuels actions. But what fuels motivation? The answer is purpose. Actions last long if they are purposeful. Purposeless actions may hit the waves transiently but time will eventually overtake them. This rule applies to reading as well. The purpose behind developing a habit of reading include:

1. Divine Revelation urges you to Read and Reflect: The first verse revealed by God to His Final Messenger was “to read in the name of One who created him”.

2. Cognitive Development that comes with Deep Reading:  Reading enhances our memory, increases our attention span, reduces the risk of dementia and is a form of exercise to our brains.

3. Key To Knowledge About How World Works: Readers develop deeper knowledge, stronger convictions and are well-versed in varied areas of knowledge such as history, politics, economics, science and theology compared to non-readers.

4. Become a Writer: Writing style improves with better vocabulary, sentence structure, phrasing of words and delivery of content, all of which are enhanced by regular reading.

5. Active Recreation: Unlike scrolling through social media or other passive sources of recreation, reading is an excellent way of relaxation and stress-relief in addition to feeding and exercising the brain.

Beginner’s Guide To Reading

For beginners, the key is to develop a habit of reading than to read more content. The goal must be to create an identity of someone who reads regularly. The focus must be on the number of days which you have read than the number of books you have read.

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, explains the story of his friend who lost weight by hitting the gym for just 5 minutes every day. The idea is not to start intense, but rather to just start and make yourself accustomed to the habit.

How many pages should you started to read? The answer is a single page. Reading a single page everyday is guaranteed to change your life.

Best Books To Read

We have shared some of our best reads in the form of book notes. Click here to see our recommendations.