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Thinking is thanking the one who blessed us with thoughts.”
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The role of Sociability, Chance observation & seclusion behind Scientific Discovery

Explore the unconventional avenues of scientific discovery beyond laboratory confines. Discover how chance encounters, social dynamics, and introspection have shaped groundbreaking revelations throughout history…

Why do we Procrastinate? The Economics of Instant Gratification

Explore the timeless struggle of procrastination, known as Akrasia, and delve into the fascinating world of Affective Forecasting and Delay Discounting. Discover why humans often prioritize instant gratification over long-term goals, and learn about…

The Power of Scheduling Thinking Time

Cerebrate Weekly: The Power of Scheduling Thinking Time Professor Paul Dirac was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who predicted antimatter before it was discovered experimentally. His discovery of the first anti-particle, the positron, revolutionized…

Why You Need To Burn The Boats To Reinvent Yourself

Cerebrate Weekly: Burn the Boats and Re-Invent Yourself. Having a plan B is often seen as an advantage, but the ancients saw it differently. When Alexander the Great arrived on the shores of Persia, he realized that the Macedonians were greatly…

Get 10% Edge and Start Working

Cerebrate Weekly: Get 10% Edge and Start Working Have you ever had great ideas or initiatives but been held back from starting them? This could be due to certain psychological blocks, such as the fear of failure, Imposter Syndrome, the Curse of…

The Value of Writing And Showing your Work

Cerebrate Weekly: The Value of Writing and Showing your Work Twelve years ago, popular author and writer Ryan Holiday made a life-changing decision. He relocated from his hometown to a small room in New Orleans to embark on his writing career. It was a…

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