Preparation is the Game

Cerebrate Weekly: Preparation Is The Game

Issue-02: January 16, 2023 by Sabith Mohammed |

Four thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, two brothers competed to build two pyramids where the winner would be awarded with a lifetime of riches from the Pharaoh. The story of how these two brothers approached the work also teaches us a remarkable lesson about preparation. The first brother Azura kickstarted his work instantaneously. He physically dragged all the stones into place and in a few months, he built the bottom layer of the pyramid. However, two years later Azura died of physical exhausation from all the hard work leaving behind an unbuilt pyramid under construction. Meanwhile, his brother Chuma worked on developing cranes that would lay down the bricks during the same timeline without laying a single brick for the pyramid. Once the crane was prepared, Chuma ended up building the pyramid within a span of few months. Chuma teaches us an important lesson: preparation is the game.

If I have to make a tackle, I have already made a mistake
Paulo Maldini

The truth is, he was “prepared” unlike the rest of humanity who witnessed the same for a long period of time in history. Sir Isaac Newton decided to give a thought on the incident: Why did the apple fall to the ground? Why isn’t it rising upwards instead? The unusual thoughts which took over Newton’s mind resulted in the discovery of one of the greatest scientific phenomenon of all time: the earth exerted a force on the apple. He proceeded to discover the laws of gravity.

These unusual thoughts, as it may seem, weren’t random. Instead, long years of nurturing his philosophical mind prepared the ground for his thought.

💬Quote of the Week

If you give me 10 hours to cut a tree, I will spend 9 hours sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln

🧭Weekly Compass

🧠Food for Thought

What lies between Idea & Execution is penning it down!

📖Read & Rise

💉Weekly dose of Inspiration

However few years ago, if you were to ask who will be next to replace CR7 & Messi, there were many candidates but not Benzema.

Big names like Neymar, Greizman, Mbappe, Bale, and others were in the spotlight. But none of them could make it. What was Benzema’s secret? Patience & Perseverance

He didn’t care if he played second fiddle to Ronaldo at Real Madrid.

He was focused, and when the opportunity to lead presented itself, he grabbed it and led with style.

🛠️ Tools for Thought

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