Cerebrate Weekly: The Value of Writing and Showing your Work

Issue-12: April 12, 2023 by Sabith Mohammed |

Twelve years ago, popular author and writer Ryan Holiday made a life-changing decision. He relocated from his hometown to a small room in New Orleans to embark on his writing career. It was a new path for him, one that he wasn’t entirely sure of. The journey was filled with confusion, self-doubt, and uncertainty. But he took the risk anyway.

During that time, one of his friends encouraged him to write and see what happened. It was a simple piece of advice, but it changed the course of his life. Little did he know that, twelve years later, he would have written 14 books that sold over 5 million copies in 30 languages.

A few years later, while speaking at a conference, a member of the audience, another writer asked Ryan why he should publish a book in a traditional way if he had a massive email list and could write directly to his readers. Ryan ultimately convinced the man, who turned out to be James Clear, to publish the book titled “Atomic Habits.” The book went on to become a bestseller, and Ryan’s advice proved invaluable.

Why You need Start Writing & Showing Your Work?

In his book “Show Your Work,” Austin Kleon provides five reasons why you need to share your work.

-Sharing your work can help others learn from your journey and gain insights into how you approach your work.

-Being open and transparent about your creative process can help you build a network of supporters and collaborators who can offer feedback and support.

-Sharing your work is not just a way to promote yourself or your brand, but a way to contribute to the larger creative community.

-Sharing your work can lead to unexpected opportunities.

-Sharing your work can help you gain feedback, learn and improve.

💬Quote of the Week

Sharing your work isn’t about showing off or self-promotion. It’s about learning and improving, and letting others learn from your journey
Austin Kleon, “Show Your Work

🧭Weekly Compass

Why I Write: In this article, author and writer James Clear shares the reason why he writes every week and how he found the courage to share his work in public.

🧠Food for Thought

The best way to get started on the path to sharing your work is to think about what you want to learn, and make a commitment to learning it in front of others.

Source: Show Your Work By Austin Klean

📖Read & Rise

Here are some recommended articles from our archives:

The Power of Note Taking: This newsletter discusses how the habit of note-taking has transformed civilizations and produced great influential people.

Tools for Thought : Obsidian Note App is a powerful, open-source note taking application that allows users to link and organize their notes with powerful features. It is designed to be a knowledge base for users to store and organize their notes and ideas.

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