Cerebrate Weekly: The World is Six thing

Written By Omer Mohammed |

Imam Ali (RA) said: The world is six things. It is:

  1. Something you eat,
  2. Something you drink,
  3. Something you wear,
  4. Something you ride,
  5. Something you smell, and
  6. Something you marry.

Then he said to look at each one of them;

  1. The highest thing that you will eat in this world is the vomit of bees (Honey).
  2. The highest thing you’ll drink in this world is water and every animal drinks that we’re all the same with water.
  3. The highest thing you will wear is silk, which is the excretion of a worm.
  4. The highest thing you will smell is musk, which is the mucus of a gazelle.
  5. The highest thing you will ride is a horse, upon which men are killed.
  6. Finally, he says that the thing you will derive pleasure from your marriage is the meeting place of where you urinate from.

This is a great reflection on the nature of life and the world we live in.

Everything in nature ultimately dies and turns to dust. It’s nonsensical to be deeply attached to the fleeting pleasures of this world.

Rather these are signs of God to be pondered & reflected to gain spiritual insights. Everything in the world ultimately goes back to Allah.

🧠Food for Thought

Life is so uncertain still we are preparing for it, but death is so certain yet we are unprepared to face it!

🧭Weekly Compass

📄Article: Is the matter of Metaphysics Immaterial ? During the “Golden Age of Islam.” philosophy was at the heart of the intellectual Muslim tradition. Its decline coincided with the decline of Islam. Is that a coincidence?

🎙 Podcast: The Mystery of Diversity by Sandala

📖Read & Rise

📺 Video: Why you should read faster to learn better? 5 Hacks for Speed reading.

🎨 Infographic: Triple Your Reading, Memory and Concentration by Kam Knights

✍🏼Quote of the Week

The likeness of this worldly life (dunyā) is that of a snake: soft to the touch, it will kill you with its poison. So turn away from what impresses you of it, since what stays with you is so little. And do not be concerned about it, since you are certain about its parting. And be most happy in it when you are most heedful of it; for every time its companion takes solace in one of its delights, it gives way to one of its woes.
Imam Ali (RA), Ibn Abī Al-Dunyā, Kitāb Al-Zuhd

🛠️ Tools for Thought

Notability is an app that allows you to take notes and organize your thoughts. It’s great for keeping track of your ideas and staying organized. You can use it to take notes during meetings, jot down ideas, or even create to-do lists. With Notability, you can also add images, drawings, and audio recordings to your notes, making it a versatile tool for capturing and organizing information.

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